DAO Pill allows you to create and sign voting without the XDAO interface on the local server in case the website does not work for some reason.

Step by step instructions for creating voting:

1) Enter Transaction Data and click Sign Message.

2) Copy and save the data you see on the screen:

• DAO address;

• Target address;

• Value;

• Nonce;

• Timestamp;

• Your signature.

3) Send your DAO members TxHash that will appear when they enter the data. Ask the rest of the DAO members to send you their signatures back and save all signatures.

4) Other DAO members also need to run XDAO PILL locally and select "sign voting" where they will upload TXHash and sign the "Sign message".

5) When you have enough signatures, go to the scanner DAO page (etherscan, bscscan, etc.), select [Write], connect your wallet and enter all the data. Signatures are entered in the format of [sig1, sig2, sig3].

Step by step instructions for signing the vote:

1) Enter the TxHash you received from the DAO member who created the voting.

2) Sign it, copy the value of the signature and send it back to the member who created the voting.

Last updated