
The Manage page allows GT holders to handle DAO management activities. You can add the most used vote in your DAO to the main page by adding the desired vote to your favorites, where available.

Most of the XDAO functionality is free, but new unique features will gradually be introduced that are available by subscription and marked as 🔥.

DAO Customization

Upgrade DAO

Get premium features for your DAO with a subscription.

Verify DAO 🔥

Verify your DAO through social media and receive a distinctive blue badge.

Change Avatar

Upload your logo or any other image.

Change Banner 🔥

Upload your image to customize your DAO page.

Edit DAO Profile

Add a description and links for your DAO.

Change Widget

Show the most important information about your DAO with widgets.

Edit DAO Analytics 🔥

Show or hide analytics about your DAO.

GT management

Add Member

Make a mint GT to a new or current member of your DAO.

Remove Member

Burn all or part of the GT from your DAO member.

Change Members' Power

Transfer all or part of the GT from one participant to another.

Change Quorum

Change your decision making mechanics.

Add Manager

Allow the wallet to manage your DAO without voting.

Remove Manager

Remove the wallet's privileges to manage your DAO without voting.

Investment activity management

Create LP Token

Make investments with your LP tokens.

Create Private Offer

Sell LP tokens at a special price.

Manage Private Offers

Create new or disable existing private offers.

Create Private Exit Offer

Allow the wallet to burn LP tokens under special terms.

Manage Private Exit Offers

Create new or disable existing private exit offers.

Create Crowdfunding

Start launchpad in your DAO.

Manage Crowdfunding

Disable launchpad or change the conditions for selling LP tokens.

Pay Dividends

Distribute funds to LP, GT or any other token holders.

Asset management

Send Token

Transfer any token from your DAO balance.

Send "Coin"

Allows you to send a coin stored in a DAO account to a specific network. Coin is a blockchain coin, i.e. in Ethereum network ETH coin, in BSC network BNB coin, etc. Then the vote will be called: Send ETH, Send BNB, etc.

Approve Token

Allow the selected Dapp to interact with your tokens on the DAO balance.

Pay Salaries

Automate the process of regular payments.


DAO asset exchange in the current blockchain.


DAO asset exchange between blockchains.

Hide Tokens

Hide fraudulent tokens from DAO balance.

DAO Community

Create Proposal

Create an offchain vote for your DAO community.


Add Permitted

Allow modules to control your DAO.

Remove Permitted

Override the module's rights to control your DAO.

Custom Transaction

Make any transaction.


Interact with any DeFi projects.

DAO features

Forbid to Add Members

Permanently disable GT Minting feature.

Forbid to Remove Members

Permanently disable GT Burning feature.

Disable LP Issue

Disable Mint LP feature.

Enable LP Issue

Enable Mint LP feature.

Freeze LP Minting Status

Forbid to change LP Minting status forever.

Disable LP Redemption

Disable Burn LP feature.

Enable LP Redemption

Enable Burn LP feature.

Freeze LP Burning Status

Forbid to change LP Burning status forever.

Last updated