Pay Salaries⭐️
To pay salaries to employees or other regular payments:
1) Click on Pay Salaries on the Manage page in your DAO, then Add New Payroll;
2) Choose a token from the list or specify its smart contract that is available in the DAO's balance and used for payment;
3) Specify the payout Amount and the period for which this amount will be accrued per hour, day, week, month, or year. The "Amount Per Month" will be calculated automatically;
4) Provide the public address of the recipient. The address can be a software, cold, exchange wallet, or a DAO address;
5) Specify the start date of the payouts (Start Payroll Date) and the end date (End Payroll Date). The payout date can be any date, including in the past. For example, if an employee has successfully completed a probationary period and you need to pay their salary. You can also choose the option of no end date (No End Date), which can be disabled on the Pay Salaries page;
6) Click Approve to authorize the Payroll smart contract to interact with the selected token in the DAO;
7) Click Create Payroll to initiate a vote for setting the salary. Once the vote is activated, the employee will receive regular payouts.
If an employee's salary changes, then before the change it is necessary to make a Claim of non-accrued funds.
The payroll algorithm is the number of paid funds per second * the number of seconds since the last branding. Therefore, you can receive wages at any time an unlimited number of times.
Any user can make Claim. This is especially useful if the recipient does not have money for gas or the recipients have an exchange wallet. Then a DAO member or any other wallet will be able to make a Claim. The funds will be sent to the Payroll recipient.
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