Remove Member

Any member can leave the DAO via a vote, and can also create a vote to exclude another member from the DAO.

This requires that Burning GT be activated. If this requirement is done, you can go to the Remove Member vote on the Manage page of your DAO.

1) Copy the public address of the manager you want to remove GT tokens from in the DAO members section of the Activity page in your DAO;

2) Click Remove Member on the Manage page of your DAO;

3) To exclude a member, enter their public address and number of GT tokens;

4) Once the vote is created and activated, the specified amount of GT will be burned from the DAO member and they will be removed from the DAO members section of the Activity page of your DAO.

You can burn the GT partially (to reduce the number of votes for a particular person or your own) or entirely, which effectively means excluding the person (or you) from the DAO.

Last updated